Idioms to use at your workplace.

Aanchal Mehta
4 min readSep 13, 2020

Exchange of ideas, thought and expressions effortlessly can help us communicate better.According to stats,we spend our 70 percent of time in speaking than in listening, reading or writing.So,here are some Idioms that can be used to communicate the situation in a subtle way.

While we are expected to use formal language at workplace, it gets difficult to frame some sentences and might lead to arguments unintentionally. hence using these idioms will keep you on point without being harsh speaker.

Idioms with examples:

1.Pull your socks up: make an effort to improve your work or behaviour, because it’s not good enough.

Eg: “The last presentation was not good enough. Pull your socks up this time”, said manager to his teammate.

2.Get down to Business: to start talking about the important subject.

Eg:let’s get down to business before we jump on to the next one.

3.Be in the driving seat: to take incharge of tasks and situations.

Eg: “I want managers of all the deparment’s, to be in the driving seat for all projects assigned”said the CEO.

4.Back to drawing board: back to the begining of process to start it again.

Eg: since, the approach we chose is not working out, lets get back to the drawing board and find out where we went wrong.

5.Ahead of the pack: to be more successful than the people who trying to achieve what you want to achieve.

Eg: To be ahead of the pack one needs to think differently and have unique approach. that is when we can pull off in the market.

6.Play your cards right : To take advantage of situation that allows you to succeed.

Eg: John says ,In order to get a deal signed, I need to play my cards right.

7.Out of work: unemployed

Eg: Joe is out of work from the day she left her previous job.

8.Trump Card:something that gives you advantage over others.

Eg: Alex ,a senior employee,plays a trump card among all the collegues in his office.

9.Poker Face: expression on someones face that doesn’t show what someone’s feeling or thinking.

Eg: Till the end of meeting, Zoe had a poker face.

10.Jack of all trades : someone who can do many different jobs.

Eg: John is excellent at different tasks given. He is jack of all trades.

11.Call a spade a spade : to say truth even if it is not polite or pleasant.

Eg: The business had made loss this year, Lets call a spade a spade before everyone gets to know about it.

12.Live on another planet: not paying attention to the surroundings.

Eg: In the meeting, Maria did not address a issue, seemed like she was living on another planet

13.Get your ducks in a row: to be well prepared for something that is going to happen.

Eg: Alex, Get your ducks in a row as you will be assigned a task the coming week.

14.Better late than never: to do something late than not doing it at all.

Eg: I understand that you have made a mistake while calculating but admit it to your manager, Its better late than never.

15.Bite your tongue: to stop yourself from saying something

Eg:I was about to put some ideas on table, but I bit my tongue.

16.Cherry on cake: final thing that makes something perfect.

Eg: adding the design to your page, feels like cherry on cake.

17.Hard Nut to crack: difficult problem or a person

Eg: This task seems like hard nut to crack. lets do it anyway ,until we find a solution.

18.Around the clock : at all times.

Eg: we are happy to address customers issues around the clock.

19.In two minds : being confused among the choices.

Eg: I am in two minds whether choose single color theme or a gradient?

20.Gut reaction: to believe in your guts.

Eg: My gut reaction says the client will agree to the proposal.

21.Food for your thought : consider someones advices/ recommendations/thoughts.

Eg: Thank you for the suggestions and feedbacks .I will surely give a food for your thought.

22.Bear that in mind : to remember something.

Eg: I want all the members present here to bear it in mind that meeting would start at sharp 12 noon.

23.To clear the air: to difuse tension

Eg: It’s been so long we are working on the same proposal, lets clear the air.

24.Hold your horses: to stop and carefully consider their decisions

Eg: I request everyone present in the meeting to hold their horses before releasing any statements.

25.Pull your height: doing fair share of work.

Eg: Alex , Pull his own weight without asking someone’s help.

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